Friday, September 30, 2011


Read (Un)Democratic in the 9/29/11 edition in the IBD.

The editorial makes reference to an article by Peter Orszag, formerly Obama's budget director and now a vice chairman at Citigroup, who recently penned in a column in The New Republic titled: "Too Much of a Good Thing: Why We Need Less Democracy."  No joke, folks!

Want some opinions on his article?  Click Comments.

As for mine;

Pete Beck, one of the commentators, has the correct view of it in my opinion.  Unfortunately, the majority in this country play right into the hands of the ego-centric elite, be they of academia or elected government, “experts”, or wealthy power-brokers.  All are only interested in perpetuating the status quo and their own advantage.  Too many of our other citizens today remain silent on the sidelines, unwilling or unable to invest the time, energy and thought required have an effect on the outcome.  As Ted Frier, another of the commentators, put it, “(They prefer) authority, which promises to be paternal, in preference to freedom.”  When the promises prove empty and it is too late, they cry out at the injustice of it all and wonder how it all came to such an intolerable end.   “Automatic stabilizers”, more “commissions”; designed, established, selected and staffed by whom?   “Less democracy” by what authority?  Certainly not our Constitution!  Orzag is a classic example of the “revolving door” that Obama promised to correct so it is hardly surprising to hear him make such proposals.  Thanks but no thanks!  I’ll settle for gridlock and hope for a third party with enough clout to break the logjam.

Where do you fit in?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

After America - Get Ready For Armageddon

Well, I’ve finished Culture Of Corruption and started Mark Steyn’s new book, After America – Get Ready For Armageddon.  Those of you who regularly read Investor’s Business Daily will recognize the name as he is a frequent contributor to the editorial section.  Others may have seen him in the Orange County Register from time to time as well.  I like his conservative, “pull no punches” style and British flavored wit (he’s a Canadian ex-pat), so I wasn’t at all surprised to be immediately grabbed by the Prologue of the book.  Click the link below for a preview.  I’m betting you’ll be hooked too.  If not, “Place your head . . . and kiss . . . goodbye!” comes to mind.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Culture Of Corruption – Another Case Surfaces

I’ve been reading Michelle Malkin’s updated book, “A Culture of Corruption”.  As if the Obama administration hasn’t already provided more than enough self-dealing examples, the most recent being the Solyndra debacle (see my 9/16/11 blog entry), now another one comes to light.  This one makes Solyndra look like a minor raid of the kitchen cookie jar!

Scandal: The Air Force's Space Command chief was pressured to alter testimony about the danger of a wireless project developed by a Democratic donor's company. Are lives as well as money being put at risk?

Crony capitalism, which has been rampant in President Obama's push for green energy, is one thing. Rewarding donors with stimulus dollars is merely the "Chicago Way" brought to Washington, D.C.

But when ideology combines with cronyism to place American lives and the nation's security at risk, it's quite another thing.        Read more at

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cost Of Obama's Jobs Bill 20 Times Greece's Deficit

By MARK STEYN Posted 09/16/2011 06:38 PM ET

The president has taken to the campaign trail to promote his "American Jobs Act." That's a good name for it: an act.

"Pass this bill now!" he declared 24 times at a stop in Raleigh, N.C., and another 18 in Columbus, Ohio, and the act is sufficiently effective that, three years into the Vapidity of Hope, the president can still find crowds of true believers willing to chant along with him: "Pass this bill now!"

Not all supporters are content merely to sing along with the prompter-in-chief. In North Carolina, a still devoted hopeychanger cried out, "I love you!"

Friday, September 16, 2011

Was Solyndra an Impeachable Offense?

House energy committee steps up investigation of Solyndra

Was Solyndra an Impeachable Offense?

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 clearly states that all government loan guarantees “shall be subject to the condition that the obligation is not subordinate to other financing.”

PUBLIC LAW 109 – 58 –- August 8, 2005
Sec. 2. – Definitions
(4) SECRETARY – The term “SECRETARY” means the Secretary of Energy [page #13]

SEC. 1702 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS  [page #525]
(a) – In General – Except for Division C of Public Law108- 324 , the Secretary shall make guarantees under this or any other Act for projects on such terms and conditions as the Secretary determines, after consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, only in accordance with this section.
(d) – Repayment  [page #526]
(3) SubordinationThe obligation shall be subject to the condition that the obligation is not subordinate to other financing.
Seems pretty clear to me !!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Smile Of The Day

A highway patrol officer pulled an elderly lady over the other day at Mile Marker 73 just east of Sedan, KS for speeding.

When asked for her driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance she politely took out the requested information and handed it to the officer.                    

In with the requested items, he was somewhat surprised to find due to her advanced age, was a permit to carry a concealed hand gun.

He looked at her and inquired if she had a gun in her possession at that time.

 She responded that yes indeed, she had .45 automatic in her glove box.

Something, body language or the way she said it, made him ask if she had any other firearms in the car.

She replied with a smile that she also had a 9mm Glock in her center console.  Surprised by her reply, he then asked if that was all.  She replied that she did have just one more; a .38 special in her purse.

The patrolman then asked her what she was so afraid of.

She looked him right in the eye and replied, "Not a damn thing!"


We’ll keep our freedom, our money and our guns.   The “progressives” can keep “the change”.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

NumbersUSA Updates Immigration Stance Ratings

has updated their ratings of the presidential hopefuls as a result of the debate last week.
to see the details.

What the moderators failed to do was ask Perry about his position on the DREAM Act. In 2001, Perry signed a bill that allowed illegal aliens to receive in-state tuition, which violates a federal law passed in 1996. He also wasn't asked about his state having the second largest illegal-alien population in the country.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Missed His Speech? Watch It Here Now

Just in case you missed his speech, watch it here now.

Did you count the number of times he said "pass it now"?

My question is, pass what now?  I suppose "we have to pass the bill to see what's in it!" as Nancy Pelosi famously said about the Obamacare bill.  As of yet, no one has seen IT in writing which makes it a little tough to reached an informed opinion. Hmmmm . . .  I think I smell another "bum's rush" coming on from our most trustworthy president, his tax cheats, crooks and croneys in Washington.

Think that definition doesn't fit?  Read Michelle Malkin's latest book, "Culture Of Corruption".

By the way, in case you didn't count, the answer is 17.

Lay in a good supply of popcorn folks, this battle is shaping up to be a good one, brass knuckles, lead pipes and all.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Who Won, Who Lost?

As always, that answer depends on who you talk to — the campaigns will always say that they did well (unless your spokesman is former campaign manager Ed Rollins). The emerging consensus seems to be that Romney won, Perry emerged from the debate with some scraps and bruising but he’s still the frontrunner (and it’s worth pointing out that his performance in the first half of the debate was noticeably stronger than in the second half), and that Michele Bachmann couldn’t change a political narrative that seems to have written her off.

Next up; the Prez tries (yet again) to convince us that the fix to our broken economy is to throw still more $$ at the problem.  Been there – done that!  In any event, it should be good for an afternoon laugh.

Here’s the lineup for future GOP presidential hopeful debates.  Don’t miss ‘em.

September 12th, 2011
Air time TBD on CNN
Location: Tampa, FL
Sponsor: CNN and the Tea Party Express
Participants: TBD
September 22nd, 2011
Air time TBD on Fox News
Location: Orlando, FL
Sponsor: Fox News and Florida Republican Party
Participants: TBD
October 11th, 2011
Air time TBD on Bloomberg Television
Location: Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH
Sponsor: Bloomberg, The Washington Post and WBIN-TV
Participants: TBD
October 18th, 2011
Air time TBD on CNN
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Sponsor: CNN and the Western Republican Leadership Conference
Participants: TBD
December 10th, 2011
Air time TBD on ABC
Location: Des Moines, IA
Sponsor: ABC News and Republican Party of Iowa
Participants: TBD
January 12th, 2012
Air time TBD on PBS
Location: Iowa Public Television in Johnston, IA
Sponsor: Des Moines Register and Iowa Public Television
Participants: TBD
January 30th, 2012
Air time TBD on Fox News
Location: Des Moines, IA
Sponsor: Fox News and Republican Party of Iowa
Participants: TBD
February, 2012
Air time TBD on ABC – Likely between February 7th and 13th
Location: NH
Sponsor: ABC News and WMUR
Participants: TBD
February, 2012
Air time TBD on Fox News – Likely between the 19th and 27th
Location: SC
Sponsor: Fox News and South Carolina Republican Party
Participants: TBD
March 5th, 2012
Air time TBD on NBC
Location: Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA
Sponsor: Reagan Library, NBC News and Politico
Participants: TBD

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Listen To The GOP Presidential Candidates Debate TONIGHT !!

NBC and Politico will co-host a Republican presidential debate tonight, Wednesday, September 7th.  The coverage begins at 8 p.m. ET (5 p.m. PT). For cell phone viewing, the live stream can also be seen via Politico Mobile apps as well as MSNBC iPhone and iPad app and Droid app and Blackberry app.

POLITICO’s John Harris and NBC’s Brian Williams will co-moderate. They are accepting questions through Twitter and email. You can submit questions for the debate via Twitter at  To send questions via email to both moderators, scroll down, enter your information and hit "send." CAlifornians For Population Stabilization [CAPS] has provided some sample questions at, but feel free to add your own.

It's the first of three Republican presidential debates scheduled over the next three weeks. The events promise to shape the Republican presidential race heading into this winter's series of nominating primaries and caucuses.

You owe yourself, your family, your neighbors and your nation to be informed on the candidates and their views and to select the best possible GOP candidate to beat Obama in the coming election.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Kinder, Gentler Discourse

Obama's friends follow his urgings for a "kinder, gentler discourse".

Think we don't have a fight on our hands ??  Think this nation doesn't need every last voting citizen to defend what out forefathers intended and get us back on the right track ??

See Tea Party Patriots React.

Forward this blog URL to everyone and urge them to defend our nation against the likes of Obama, Hoffa and their friends and supporters in the coming 2012 elections.

Monday, September 5, 2011

How Will You Vote In 2012 ??

Before you answer that question, I urge you to do some fact finding and then consider what you hope for as an outcome.  I encourage you to read the following:

Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies [Paperback]

Michelle Malkin
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Remember "Change You Can Believe In" ??  You've now had more than enough opportunity to understand what then President-Elect Obama meant by that.  In case you didn't do your homework on that or don't follow the news, the following video on "Obamacare" may help you understand it.

As for me, I'll keep my money, my freedom and my guns.  If you're an Obama supporter, you can keep the "change".  

I urge everyone to get involved this coming election cycle.  Get out the vote and get Obama out of office.  This nation cannot stand another four years of him and his socialist policies.