Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Book Out - "Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America"

                        Click here to read more ...

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.  Benjamin Franklin

Think … How is our government conducting itself?

Once again, Mark Levin has authored a book worthy of more than one reading and considerable reflection along the way.   In the epilogue he writes, “No society is guaranteed perpetual existence.  But I have to believe that the American people are not ready for servitude, for if this is our destiny, and the destiny of our children, I cannot conceive that any people, now or in the future, will successfully resist it for long.  I have to believe that this generation of American will not condemn future generations to centuries of misery and darkness.

Involvement or non-involvement?  The choice is yours.  Either will determine the outcome.

Gingrich's Debate Prowess Shows How Obama Can Be Beat

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Stop "Tilting At Windmills"

Lately there's been considerable hand wringing, "pulpit pounding" and blog commenting over the "stealth-signing" of H.R. 1540.

COME ON folks !!!  Before you go getting your knickers in a knot, READ  H.R. 1540, pages 265 & 266 as it was printed and signed.  URL:

   I am as anti-Obama, anti-Big Government, anti-Socialist and pro-Constitution as you'll find but most of you are "tilting at windmills" that don't exist.  The writing and intent is VERY clear if you read it in context.

Read and think about the following partial extraction from: H.R. 1540 Pages 265 & 266

Highlights and underlines are mine

Instead, how about refocusing some of that energy on REAL issues like government cronyism and stealth socialism!

VOTE this November !!!