This new position, the Times says, is "charged with listening to immigrants' concerns about its law enforcement policies.”
Law: If anything shows how ever-expanding government works at cross-purposes, it's the Obama administration's newly named post of "public advocate" for illegal aliens. What part of "illegal" don't they understand?
It seems those who've broken the law by entering the U.S. illegally are now entitled to special U.S. government protection from — the U.S. government. At least, that's the logic of the phony new "public advocate" post created for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
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ENOUGH ALREADY !!!! I am sick and tired of Obama building his support base with taxpayer dollars, particularly mine! Put the responsibility in the department or office responsible and omit the multiple and costly layers of management with often divergent viewpoints and/or objectives. This is PARTICULARLY true with his latest appointment. Illegal aliens are ILLEGAL. As such, their ONLY entitlement is deportation, NOT an “official advocate” whose duties will include listening to the concerns they have with our law enforcement policies. It’s outrageous that the Obama administration has appointed a taxpayer-funded activist for illegal and criminal immigrants who are detained or ordered deported. The administration yet again acts more like a lobbying firm for illegal immigrants than as an advocate for the American people.
Obama Czars
faith-based czar
ethics czar, transparency czar
ethics czar, transparency czar
drug czar
economic czar, big-picture economic czar
cyber security czar, cyber czar
cyber security czar, cyber czar
domestic violence czar
bank bailout czar, TARP czar
auto recovery czar, autoworker czar
auto czar, car czar
auto czar, car czar
AIDS czar
border czar
climate czar, energy czar, global warming czar |
climate czar
compensation czar, Gulf claims czar, pay czar
consumer czar
manufacturing czar
Middle East czar
Iran czar
intelligence czar
green-jobs czar
Great Lakes czar
health czar
health IT czar
regulatory czar
performance czar
stimulus accountability, stimulus oversight
technology czar, chief technology czar
science czar
urban affairs czar
terrorism czar
war czar
weapons czar
weapons of mass destruction czar, nonproliferation czar
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