Sunday, March 11, 2012

More On Media Matters

IBD Article On David Brock & Media Matters

Connecting the dots is always revealing as the following diagram shows:

The SuperPAC created and run by David Brock receives money from, among other places, the AFSCME, the SEIU and the American Bridge 21st Century Foundation which receives money from numerous undisclosed benefactors and which was set up and is run by, you guessed it, David Brock, who also set up and runs Media Matters which has unrestricted access to the White House.  Note that the AFSCME is headed by Gerald McEntee who is closely associated with Paul Booth who is regarded by many as the ‘brains’ of the organization and is married to Heather Booth who founded the covert socialist school Midwest Academy where Obama worked and taught during his Chicago organizing days.

Hmmm, that's interesting.  Do you suppose Brock has picked up a tip or two from Omaba and his liberal friends about how to use foundations to channel money and exert power.  Think Woods Fund of Chicago and Gamaliel Foundation.

See anything wrong with this web of relationships?
Who are ya going to vote for this Fall?

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