Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pelosi Leads Dems In Attempt To Shred The First Amendment !!

Free Speech: The former speaker, echoing the president, says the Supreme Court got it wrong in ruling we have the right to pool our money for purposes of political speech.

Leave it to Nancy Pelosi, who said we had to pass ObamaCare in order to find out what's in it, to suggest that a document we had well over two centuries to read was misinterpreted by the court in its Citizens United decision wherein it held that corporations and unions can spend unlimited amounts on political advocacy as long as they do not coordinate with candidates or campaigns.

Pelosi, at a press briefing last Thursday, endorsed a movement announced by other congressional Democrats the day before to ratify an amendment to the Constitution to allow Congress to regulate political speech when it is engaged in by corporations as opposed to individuals.
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Please help get the word out.  Express your opposition to this outrageous assault on our constitution and give this wide circulation to your friends, relatives and associates.

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