Saturday, March 30, 2013

Americans WAKEUP!!!

Read: “First, They Came For The Cypriots...”

“Rule Of Law: Markets tumbled after Cyprus and the EU said they might tax private bank accounts to pay for a bailout. Arbitrary property grabs are a new low and a bad precedent in this crisis. Worse still, it can happen here.

Read Full Article At Investor's Business Daily: Read more at IBD

“Already Congressional Democrats are plotting the expropriation of Americans' private 401(k) and IRA retirement savings accounts in favor of "a guaranteed income."  [View the details of a 2010 Congressional testimony] If bank accounts can be casually expropriated in Cyprus to pay for big-spending governments and bailouts, there is no reason a nice slice of the $19 trillion in retirement accounts can't get the same treatment.

Think not?  Think again!  Read: Obama Begins Push for New National Retirement System

Please realize that this is 100% about funding $1.5 TRILLION annual deficits using Americans’ retirement funds, as there is simply no other remaining pool of wealth able to soak up $1.5 Trillion in T-bills annually.

Then they came for the Americans!

Are You Pro or Con on “Term Limits” For Elected Government Representatives?

I encourage you to read:  SOWELL: A REAL TERM LIMIT

Here’s my opinion.

Concern over "loss of experience" is a non sequitur

Those against imposing term limits claim such a policy would result in a "loss of experience" provided by career politicians. Professor, economist, social theorist, political philosopher, and author Thomas Sowell says, "...Much - if not most - of that experience and expertise [by career politicians] is in the arts of evasion, effrontery, deceit and chicanery. None of that serves the interests of the people." I agree.

He further says, "If we want terms limits to achieve their goals, we have to make the limit one term, with a long interval prescribed before the same person can hold any other government office again." Failure to do so would only result in the career politicians spending more of their term campaigning for some other government office versus campaigning for re-election or supporting "special interest" legislation while in office with a view to obtaining a job within that "special interest" group as a reward for past performance.

Regrettably, there are far too many politicians in office today who entered public service to do good but stayed to do well. It is our nation and our citizens who suffer the consequences.
Think about it and post your opinion in “Comments: