Saturday, March 30, 2013

Americans WAKEUP!!!

Read: “First, They Came For The Cypriots...”

“Rule Of Law: Markets tumbled after Cyprus and the EU said they might tax private bank accounts to pay for a bailout. Arbitrary property grabs are a new low and a bad precedent in this crisis. Worse still, it can happen here.

Read Full Article At Investor's Business Daily: Read more at IBD

“Already Congressional Democrats are plotting the expropriation of Americans' private 401(k) and IRA retirement savings accounts in favor of "a guaranteed income."  [View the details of a 2010 Congressional testimony] If bank accounts can be casually expropriated in Cyprus to pay for big-spending governments and bailouts, there is no reason a nice slice of the $19 trillion in retirement accounts can't get the same treatment.

Think not?  Think again!  Read: Obama Begins Push for New National Retirement System

Please realize that this is 100% about funding $1.5 TRILLION annual deficits using Americans’ retirement funds, as there is simply no other remaining pool of wealth able to soak up $1.5 Trillion in T-bills annually.

Then they came for the Americans!

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