Friday, February 14, 2014

Protect C4 Free Speech

The Internal Revenue Service has quietly announced a new rule that strictly limits the ability of 501(c)(4), tax-exempt organizations from working on their core missions in the months leading up to federal, state, and local elections. The proposed regulations would prohibit these organizations from engaging in candidate-related political activity, which, by the proposed rule's definition, includes any mention of a candidate's name or political party even if presented in a non-political context. Further, organizations would have to ensure that any references to candidates in past communications are not publicly available, including online, during the pre-election window. These regulations would, in effect, prohibit organizations from providing the public with candidate comparisons and voting records, engaging in get-out-the-vote activities, or encouraging informed civic participation, among other activities. They would severely limit both the organizations' First Amendment free speech and the public's ability to hold elected officials accountable for their actions.
This will not apply to 501(c)5 labor unions and (c)6 trade associations: The proposed regulation does not apply to labor organizations, although the proposal states that the Administration is considering a regulation in this area.  Thus, a likely result is that a final rule will be promulgated further restricting non-profit speech and an activity long before any comparable regulation is promulgated on the activities of labor organizations.

See anything wrong about such action?

Are you willing to stand by and allow yet another “big government” attack on our constitutional rights?

I’m not and I’ve expressed my opinion to     Please do so as well.

For additional information on this important issue -> Click here.

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