Thursday, August 30, 2012

GOP Convention Exposes Bigotry And Hatred On The Left

In my previous post I brought to your attention a book by Deneen Borelli, a black conservative Tea Party advocate whose book, Blacklash: How Obama and the Left Are Driving Americans to the Government Plantation, vividly presents the reasons why many of her skin color are changing political affiliation.  In retrospect, the reading of that book was an excellent precursor to two speeches which I had the high privilege of viewing last night via the GOP Convention telecast by FOX News.  At long last, many black folks are realizing what Borelli states in her book; voting as a block for those candidates who embrace the views of the Obama administration and its backers in not in the best interests of the individual.  Two black newcomers to the GOP spoke last night and both were, in my opinion, sterling examples of what Borelli talks about as being possible when one abandons “block party line” and ignores the character assignations spewed by the likes of Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, Eric H. Holder, Jr., Barack Hussein Obama, Maxine Waters and others like them who seek to profit from a career of racism.

In case you missed their speeches, let me introduce them;
Mia Love – Utah congressional candidate  
Artur Davis – former Alabama congressman

36-year old Mia is battling to take a House seat from an incumbent Democrat and 44-year old Artur Davis, who seconded the Obama nomination in 2008, has recently switched party affiliation.  Both speeches are worth hearing and, even if you did hear them, hearing again.  Here they are in the order they appeared last night.

The stars of the GOP curtain-raiser in Tampa weren't top-billed Gov. Chris Christie or even Ann Romney. They were two young black conservatives the Democrats don't want you to know.

Hypocrisy: Liberals love to label conservatives as bigots and haters. But the Republican National Convention has exposed where such miscreants find a comfortable home these days: among the mainstream press and the liberal elite.

Right on.  Let's hope these two honorable free-thinking people are but the beginning of a major awakening and a trend away from the racist population of so called progressive liberals, elitists, big government bureaucrats and elected officials, "block voters", and their lackeys in the mainstream press that want nothing more fervently than a divided, dependent America under their thumb.

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