How nasty will this presidential campaign get?
Bill O’Reilly Show Impact Segment [10August 2012]
The Obama campaign has produced a TV ad implying that Mitt Romney has been a serial tax cheat, while Romney's team created an ad questioning the President's character.
Laura Ingraham |
Laura Ingraham, standing in for O’Reilly, discussed the nastier-by-the-day campaign with Washington Post newspaper editor Cathy Areu and Dr. Christopher Metzler, Senior Associate Dean, Graduate Management Degrees, Georgetown University.
"President Obama wanted to have the 'hope and change' message," Areu posited, "but because the other side has gotten so dirty they have to fight back. They are simply stating facts; I don't think the Obama campaign has done anything wrong. It is possible that Harry Reid is right and Romney did not pay taxes."
Dr. Christopher Metzler |
But Metzler denounced the Obama team as issue-evading prevaricators. "This campaign can be described as lies, lies, and damned lies. Mr. 'hope and change' realizes that he has changed nothing, he has a dismal economic record, and his blaming of Bush is not working. He is 'hypocrite in chief' rather than commander in chief, these ads are absolutely ridiculous."
Ingraham then called Areu on her comment that “It is possible that Harry Reid is right and Romney did not pay taxes." Areu retorted that “It is possible that Romney did not pay any taxes ….. It is possible.”
Cathy Areu |
So … this is what our nation’s schools are now turning out as factual, unbiased journalists. Not only do the politically leftist media state possibilities as facts, they do it with the objective of creating misinformation and steering votes to 'their cause'.
Every socialist movement in recorded history since the advent of journalism in the 1600s has attempted to distort the facts through the use of propaganda, one of the more notable within the last hundred years being Julius Streicher of the Nazi Party.
I am a staunch defender of our Constitution and the right of free speech [First Amendment] but Americans deserve and are entitled to factual reporting. Until the facts are established, items being reported by the press as being of public interest should be posited as opinions, not facts. Ever hear of the word alleged? Yet Areu vigorously defended her statement that “it could be true”.
Tell you what Miss Areu; It is possible that Obama and Reid could be sodomizers of chickens!
As for you and the rest of your ilk, you deserve the same outcome that befell Streicher on 16 October 1946.
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