Saturday, September 22, 2012

If You Value Your Freedom Of Speech

The United States should “take the necessary measures to ensure insulting billions of people – one and a half billion people – and their beliefs does not happen, and people pay for what they do, and at the same time make sure that the reflections of the true Egyptian and Muslims is well [represented] in Western media,”.  So stated Egypt’s Prime Minister Hisham Qandil on Sept. 15.  Qandil’s statement also hinted at more violence if the Islamists’ demands were not met.

In case you need a translation, he is stating the Islamic demand that the U.S. should cave to their pressure and throw our constitution out the window, specifically our First Amendment rights concerning free speech.

So … let’s back up a bit and look at some of the history leading up to that demand.  At the very least, I urge you to view the following video.  If you are pressed for time, at least view the 23 minute 30 second portion which starts at 12:44 [that's 12 minutes 44 seconds into the video] by using the slider in the video to position to that point.
  Below are several hyperlinks, arranged in chronological order, that will provide an unbiased [unless you are a committed supporter of Islam] view of historic events leading up to where we are today.

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