Sunday, January 6, 2013

Five Big Challenges In 2013 That Dwarf The Fiscal Cliff

Discussion of the so-called fiscal cliff has sucked so much air out of the room that many people don't realize it's not the biggest thing we face as a nation. Indeed, many challenges loom. Will we be up to them?

Read More At IBD: Click here

Will Obama and our elected representatives be up to it?       Don’t bet on it!

As a nation, not only are we over the “fiscal cliff” and “national debt cliff”, we’re over the “moral cliff” too.  If the recent elections proved anything, it is that the candidates and our voting citizens are collectively driven by one guiding light . . . What’s in it for them.  The idea of doing what’s best for the nation as a whole is long gone.  The unions and their membership vote for those who will advance the union objectives of more money and guaranteed jobs for “theirs”.  Our elected representatives vote for more votes, more money, more perks and more job security for themselves.  Our voting citizens’ vote for those candidates they believe will get them more entitlements, lower taxes and more favorable legislation on any subject they perceive as in their self-interest.  Those who did not vote disavow their moral obligation to elect representatives who will do what’s best for this country, not just for the near future but over the long haul and regardless of what “the opposition” does and says about it.

It’s about collective survival as a nation folks, not about just you or just about me!  We are all in the same boat together and we will all float or sink together in the end.  If we delay appropriate course corrections much longer, the rush for the “lifeboats” will get ugly at a very personal level.

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