Monday, December 26, 2011

Stealth Socialism – The Obama Way

Stealth socialism???  Can’t clearly define it?  Try this.
Think it’s not his agenda?  Read The Socialism Puzzle. [Scroll down the link to Table of Contents – Chapter 1]

Better yet, read the whole book, Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism! [before you vote in 2012]

A highly detailed and definitive account of the president's conversion as a radical activist, the book provides minute and abundant evidence confirming the long-disputed label of Obama as "socialist".

For those who cherish the freedoms intended by our forefathers and embodied in our Constitution but who can’t be bothered to get informed and  involved, “Wake up and smell the coffee!”, this book just may give you pause to consider a different future.  Let’s hope so!  The future that Obama has in mind after relieving you of your “fair share” isn’t nearly as ample or as “fair”.  That is, unless you feel that big government will provide you with everything you want and need.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Beat Goes On . . . And So Does The Cover-up !!!

Back in October in Doggone Blog I asked whether Holder committed perjury.  I also included links to the IBD editorials Holder Lied, Agents Died and Indict Eric Holder.  Since then, the media has been notably quiet on the topic as attention has shifted to the 2012 election race, the GOP candidates and the location of the latest hot holiday sale.  The DOJ and Holder have no doubt been hoping that all of their unwanted attention would subside into oblivion.

Now we learn, thanks again to the IBD, that Holder's Justice Department has sealed court records detailing the circumstances of a border patrol agent's murder by a Mexican drug cartel, including the fact [that] U.S. agents were being hunted with U.S.-supplied weapons and the indictment of Manuel Osorio-Arellanes and four other drug smugglers in Terry's murder.

Aside from the question of why the indictments have been sealed, there is the question of why the case of Osorio-Arellanes hasn't gone to trial almost a year after Terry's murder.  Is it because defense discovery motions at trial might reveal documents and details the administration is trying to hide? [Read complete editorial]

This whole sordid story is just one more example of why America needs to shift its collective attention from such trivia as “Dancing With the Stars”, keeping up with the Kardashians, the most recent scandal in the sports world and the NBA strike and refocus on reclaiming this country from the liberal left before it’s too late to do so.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Open Letter To GOP Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Dear Former House Speaker Gingrich:

Your proposal sounds like it would give U.S. jobs and residency to around 3.5 million illegal aliens (according to a new Pew Hispanic Center study).   Assuming that estimate is reasonably accurate, you are promising an amnesty in fact that exceeds the giant blanket amnesty of 1986 that was supposed to be the first and last one ever.

You appear to agree with Presidents Bush and Obama that the only major options for illegal aliens are deporting them or legalizing them (choices that nearly all mainstream media also insist on). Your official immigration platform gives no hint of recognizing that there is a third option -- Attrition through Enforcement – that eliminates the jobs and benefits magnets for illegal aliens so that they will self-deport back to their home countries. Thus, you are at odds with most of the other GOP candidates and most GOP Members of Congress who favor the Attrition option.

Having read and studied both your “10 Steps to a Legal Nation” and your “7-Point Plan”, I am more frightened than ever for the future of this nation.  I agree with you and with the Pew Center that you are not suggesting a blanket amnesty like Bush and Obama but rather advocating legalization of those who have “deep ties” of “family, church and community.”

Unlike Bush and Obama, you would not allow them to become voters.  But, like Bush and Obama, you would allow them to keep their jobs instead of opening them up for the millions of unemployed Americans who are waiting in line for those jobs.  Thus, your plan has nothing to do with protecting American workers or communities from too much immigration and the costs associated with the illegal alien burden.

It is my considered opinion that such a plan can lead only to protracted court battles and ultimately to a decision in favor of full amnesty in the Supreme Court.  The concept of “deep ties” is nebulous, subjective, and ill-defined at best.

I have closely watched and listened to all of the GOP presidential candidate debates and had reached the tentative conclusion that you were the best hope for unseating President Obama in the coming election year.  Having now heard and read your position on the illegal alien situation, I am no longer able to hold that conclusion and believe firmly that you will find the majority of Americans share my views in the days ahead.

I urge you to reconsider and restate your position on illegal aliens and to publicly embrace the option of attrition through enforcement.  Failing that, I will have no alternative but to support another GOP candidate.

Deeply disappointed,

Sunday, November 20, 2011

All I Want For Christmas . . .

The following is a quote from a new book out by Thomas Sowell who, in my humble opinion, more Americans should be aware of and read.

Take a look inside by clicking on the following link.

Let us hope that Americans heed his words before it is too late.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Milton Friedman on "Greed"

An excerpt from an interview with Phil Donahue in 1979.

If only this was "required viewing" in our educational systems today.

The Liberal view of "greed".

The pursuit of self-interest is “greed” and its rewards must be confiscated for distribution to those who have neither the desire nor the ability to achieve their desires, thus enabling those who support such action to view themselves as virtuous.  If their policies and actions fail to achieve the intended ends, it is irrelevant.  It is only their intent that matters.
For a complete rundown on the beliefs of a Liberal, see HOW TO BE A GOOD LIBERAL .

Monday, October 31, 2011

Smoking-Gun Document Ties Government Policy To The Housing Crisis

Smoking-Gun Document Ties Policy To Housing Crisis


President Obama says the Occupy Wall Street protests show a "broad-based frustration" among Americans with the financial sector, which continues to kick against regulatory reforms three years after the financial crisis.

"You're seeing some of the same folks who acted irresponsibly trying to fight efforts to crack down on the abusive practices that got us into this in the first place," he complained earlier this month.

But what if government encouraged, even invented, those "abusive practices"?

They haven’t learned yet!  If you want the complete story, I urge you to get a copy of

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Open Letter To The Director Of The Society For Professional Journalists

Open Letter To The Director Of The Society For Professional Journalists

The Society for Professional Journalists (SPJ) has decided to recommend that newsrooms refrain from using the terms “illegal immigrant” and "illegal alien.”
Here's my reaction and response to the Director of the Society for Professional Journalists.
Dear Mr. Skeel:
So, the Society for Professional Journalists (SPJ) has decided to recommend that newsrooms refrain from using the terms “illegal immigrant”and illegal alien.” The SPJ claims concern that “only courts can decide when a person has committed an illegal act.” More likely, the SPJ has buckled to political pressure from the special interest groups of  illegal aliens.

Ensuring that judgment does not bleed into news reporting is a worthy goal for all free press, but shaping words to fit politically correct molds is simply another form of bias. Substituting the term “illegal alien” with“undocumented immigrant” or “worker” in order to placate powerful lobbies interjects opinion itself and surrenders the language to drive an agenda.

Journalistic guidelines dictate that disclosing a subject’s personal information – including immigration status – is not always integral to the story. But when it is, readers deserve clarity, not obfuscation.

The SPJ recommends using “undocumented workers.” The problem with that term is that with a few keystrokes, the illegality – the breaking of the law – is magically erased. “Illegal” disappears and with it, so too does regard for the rule of law. The SPJ claims that using the term “illegal”” presumes guilt but seems just fine ignoring guilt when reporting even on broad classes of aliens who brazenly self-identify as residing in the U.S. illegally. You can’t have it both ways folks. The addition of the word“undocumented” suggests that those who have violated U.S. immigration laws are simply inconvenienced by not having the proper papers. But many illegal aliens do have documentation – it just doesn’t happen to rightfully belong to them. Finally, the term “workers” implies that all are gainfully employed, which many are not. But for the record, the seven million illegal aliens who do work are employed illegally and occupying jobs that rightfully belong to Americans.

The alternative use of “undocumented immigrants” is just as empty. These aren’t immigrants and this isn’t immigration. America is suffering from a policy of chaos and a flood of 12 million lawbreakers. Swapping the term “alien” for “immigrant” when referring to those who have broken the law is offensive to many legal immigrants. The distinction between legal and illegal is important. Coming to the Unites States the right way is a badge of honor for most immigrants.

There is no getting around it. The term “illegal alien” is the most legally precise, descriptive term in the lexicon. It delineates between one of only two possible categories; one either has legal status to be on U.S. soil or one is residing here illegally.  “Illegal” means prohibited by law. Yes, entry without inspection into the U.S. is prohibited. And “alien” is a term that refers to a person who is not a citizen of the country. The term is well defined in 8 U.S.C. Section 1101. It is used by legal professionals across the board including the United States Supreme Court. It’s ok to say “illegal alien.”

Use it, but use it correctly. Don’t say someone is an illegal alien without the facts. That’s unacceptable and you’ll wind up in court. If, based on due diligence, you have reason to believe the subject of a story is an illegal alien because credible sources have indicated he/she may be, use “alleged”illegal alien. But when the facts prove it and the circumstances are obvious, don’t be coy. For example, when referring to five hundred people at a rally holding “Illegal and Proud of It”signs, your readers will appreciate you reporting it accurately as a crowd largely composed of illegal aliens. Don’t water down stories about amnesty legislation for illegal aliens with references to “undocumented workers.” Why? Because amnesty legislation isn’t about giving needed documents, it’s about changing the law to erase the laws that were broken.

Why go through the fuss of changing the term “illegal alien” anyways? Altered to even the most preposterous euphemism, we all know what it means – a person is here when he/she is not supposed to be. Leave well enough alone and avoid the hollow substitutes because ultimately, it takes more effort to conceal the truth than to reveal it.

Whatever happened to unbiased reporting of the news?

A Citizen and Proud Of It

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Exposing Liberal Lies

Over the last several decades, the liberals (now calling themselves “progressives”) have become increasingly adept at spinning the issues and redefining perceptions to their advantage while conservatives have failed repeatedly to expose their liberal lies and distortions.  With the presidential election cycle now in full swing, I thought it appropriate to provide some hard facts in response to some of their claims.
This is the first in a planned series of “daylight” exposures I’ll be sending you from time to time over the next several months.  Feel free to discuss and share them with others and to delve deeper if any of them really perk your interest.  I’ll provide sources of reference.
With all the recent “OCCUPY” protests so much in the news, I thought the following might be appropriate:
Claim #1 – “Republicans are the party of the rich corporate special interests.”
Fact – In the 2008 presidential election cycle, the top 100 donors to the major political parties gave overwhelmingly to Democrats!
Contributors with greater than 50% of their total contributions donated to Dems
Contributors with greater than 50% of their total contributions donated to Repubs
$ To Dems
$ To Repubs
All the numbers are for the 2008 election cycle and are based on data released by the FEC on July 13, 2009.
The short story - The organizations listed here were the biggest donors to federal candidates and political parties in the election cycle. The numbers combine all PAC, soft money (for the 2008 election cycle and before), and large ($200+) individual contributions made by the organization, its employees, officers and their immediate families. Subsidiaries and affiliates are also included in the totals. Not included is money spent independently on issue ads or donations to political party conventions, legal defense funds, presidential inaugurations or post-election recount funds.
The data is provided courtesy of The Center for Responsive Politics.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

“Is Student-Loan Forgiveness Obama's Next Crisis

IBD Posted 10/26/2011 06:44 PM ET  [Read the full article]

Government: President Obama wants student loans to be more like student handouts. Too bad he hasn't learned one of the lessons of the 2008 mortgage crisis: Free money costs plenty.

The global financial crisis has its roots in the U.S. government's politicization of mortgages.

Now President Obama proposes applying the same mortgage mistakes to student loans.

On a day on which the College Board reported the cost of public colleges rose 8% — about twice the inflation rate — Obama unveiled a student loan forgiveness plan.

Under his plan, loan recipients would repay at just 10% of their income instead of the current 15%. And the government forgives what's left after 20 years.

But the latest Rasmussen survey found only 21% of Americans favor letting college loan recipients not have to pay the money back.

Could it be that the 66% majority opposed to student loan forgiveness have learned the mortgage crisis lesson to which Obama seems tone-deaf? Or that they think the younger generation might learn something their liberal college professors haven't taught — namely the morality of keeping their financial promises?

Wealth redistribution or generosity??  Guess again!  It’s all about the votes !!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Profits Are For People

Those of you who listen to the Rush Limbaugh Show may recognize the name of Walter Williams as he frequently takes over the EIB “Golden Microphone” when Rush takes time off.  He is the John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, as well as a syndicated columnist and author known for his libertarian views.  He is also a frequent contributor to the Investor’s Business Daily with editorials and articles in the Issues and Insights section dating back to 2003.

His most recent viewpoint, Profits Are For People, appeared today (10/25/2011).  I heartily recommend it to anyone who does not understand the concept of PROFIT and the role it plays as an enabler of free enterprise and the American way of life.

For those who disagree or side with the folks who have recently made the news as part of the Occupy Wall Street movement and similar Occupy protests, allow me to encourage your consideration of residency in a socialist country where you’ll no doubt be far happier living off the industry and efforts of others, courtesy of their government.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Here's Some Background

Did he commit perjury?
President Clinton - August 17, 1998 – It depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is.”
Eric Holder – May 2, 2011 – “. . . I probably learned about Fast and Furious over the last few weeks.”
I guess it depends on the meaning of the word “probably” and the phrase “last few weeks”.  Any way you cut it, he’s being evasive.  If that’s what you want from the nation’s leading law enforcement official, I suppose it’s OK.  Not in my opinion! 

See  IBD: HOLDER LIED-AGENTS DIED By Ruth King on July 27th, 2011
But that's consistent with both the Obama administration and Holder.  Notwithstanding Obama's no-lobbyiest rule, he made more than forty exceptions during his first year in office, one of which is Holder who was a registered lobbyist back in 2004 for Covington & Burling.  Holder's creds as a "cover up artist" are nothing new to anyone familiar with his work for Chiquita Brands International and his assistance to Illinois Governor and crook, Rod Blagojevich.
Given his track record and recent developments, it's no surprise to see articles like Indict Eric Holder - Posted in the IBD - 10/04/2011 06:59 PM ET.  Now he refuses to release documents which have been requested by Congressman Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee.  Let's hope Congressman Issa brings everyone involved in this coverup out into the light of day.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Solyndra Scandal & Events of Similar Color

Some background:

o    Published: Daily - 3:33 PM 09/01/2011 | Updated: 6:35 PM 09/04/2011

o    Blog posted 9/15/11

·         More 'Green' For Donor Energy

o    Posted in IBD - 09/29/2011 06:33 PM ET

·         Cracking Acorn

o    Posted in National Review Online - November 3, 2008 8:00 A.M.
During the primaries, the Obama presidential campaign paid $832,598 to ACORN affiliate CSI for get-out-the-vote activities.

Vote fraud is just one of (Acorn's) illegal practices

·         Evidence of an American Plutocracy: The Larry Summers Stor
By Matthew Skomarovsky • Jan 10, 2011 at 19:31 EST
“Much of the public has come to view the Obama Administration as the latest round in a quickening game of musical chairs, played by the same old politicians who owe their fortunes or their careers to the same financial institutions that destroyed the economy, each round further consolidating their unaccountable power, each round bringing fresh disillusionment.

See any "common threads" yet?Does the term "pay to play" strike any chords for you?

Friday, September 30, 2011


Read (Un)Democratic in the 9/29/11 edition in the IBD.

The editorial makes reference to an article by Peter Orszag, formerly Obama's budget director and now a vice chairman at Citigroup, who recently penned in a column in The New Republic titled: "Too Much of a Good Thing: Why We Need Less Democracy."  No joke, folks!

Want some opinions on his article?  Click Comments.

As for mine;

Pete Beck, one of the commentators, has the correct view of it in my opinion.  Unfortunately, the majority in this country play right into the hands of the ego-centric elite, be they of academia or elected government, “experts”, or wealthy power-brokers.  All are only interested in perpetuating the status quo and their own advantage.  Too many of our other citizens today remain silent on the sidelines, unwilling or unable to invest the time, energy and thought required have an effect on the outcome.  As Ted Frier, another of the commentators, put it, “(They prefer) authority, which promises to be paternal, in preference to freedom.”  When the promises prove empty and it is too late, they cry out at the injustice of it all and wonder how it all came to such an intolerable end.   “Automatic stabilizers”, more “commissions”; designed, established, selected and staffed by whom?   “Less democracy” by what authority?  Certainly not our Constitution!  Orzag is a classic example of the “revolving door” that Obama promised to correct so it is hardly surprising to hear him make such proposals.  Thanks but no thanks!  I’ll settle for gridlock and hope for a third party with enough clout to break the logjam.

Where do you fit in?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

After America - Get Ready For Armageddon

Well, I’ve finished Culture Of Corruption and started Mark Steyn’s new book, After America – Get Ready For Armageddon.  Those of you who regularly read Investor’s Business Daily will recognize the name as he is a frequent contributor to the editorial section.  Others may have seen him in the Orange County Register from time to time as well.  I like his conservative, “pull no punches” style and British flavored wit (he’s a Canadian ex-pat), so I wasn’t at all surprised to be immediately grabbed by the Prologue of the book.  Click the link below for a preview.  I’m betting you’ll be hooked too.  If not, “Place your head . . . and kiss . . . goodbye!” comes to mind.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Culture Of Corruption – Another Case Surfaces

I’ve been reading Michelle Malkin’s updated book, “A Culture of Corruption”.  As if the Obama administration hasn’t already provided more than enough self-dealing examples, the most recent being the Solyndra debacle (see my 9/16/11 blog entry), now another one comes to light.  This one makes Solyndra look like a minor raid of the kitchen cookie jar!

Scandal: The Air Force's Space Command chief was pressured to alter testimony about the danger of a wireless project developed by a Democratic donor's company. Are lives as well as money being put at risk?

Crony capitalism, which has been rampant in President Obama's push for green energy, is one thing. Rewarding donors with stimulus dollars is merely the "Chicago Way" brought to Washington, D.C.

But when ideology combines with cronyism to place American lives and the nation's security at risk, it's quite another thing.        Read more at

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cost Of Obama's Jobs Bill 20 Times Greece's Deficit

By MARK STEYN Posted 09/16/2011 06:38 PM ET

The president has taken to the campaign trail to promote his "American Jobs Act." That's a good name for it: an act.

"Pass this bill now!" he declared 24 times at a stop in Raleigh, N.C., and another 18 in Columbus, Ohio, and the act is sufficiently effective that, three years into the Vapidity of Hope, the president can still find crowds of true believers willing to chant along with him: "Pass this bill now!"

Not all supporters are content merely to sing along with the prompter-in-chief. In North Carolina, a still devoted hopeychanger cried out, "I love you!"

Friday, September 16, 2011

Was Solyndra an Impeachable Offense?

House energy committee steps up investigation of Solyndra

Was Solyndra an Impeachable Offense?

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 clearly states that all government loan guarantees “shall be subject to the condition that the obligation is not subordinate to other financing.”

PUBLIC LAW 109 – 58 –- August 8, 2005
Sec. 2. – Definitions
(4) SECRETARY – The term “SECRETARY” means the Secretary of Energy [page #13]

SEC. 1702 – TERMS AND CONDITIONS  [page #525]
(a) – In General – Except for Division C of Public Law108- 324 , the Secretary shall make guarantees under this or any other Act for projects on such terms and conditions as the Secretary determines, after consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, only in accordance with this section.
(d) – Repayment  [page #526]
(3) SubordinationThe obligation shall be subject to the condition that the obligation is not subordinate to other financing.
Seems pretty clear to me !!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Smile Of The Day

A highway patrol officer pulled an elderly lady over the other day at Mile Marker 73 just east of Sedan, KS for speeding.

When asked for her driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance she politely took out the requested information and handed it to the officer.                    

In with the requested items, he was somewhat surprised to find due to her advanced age, was a permit to carry a concealed hand gun.

He looked at her and inquired if she had a gun in her possession at that time.

 She responded that yes indeed, she had .45 automatic in her glove box.

Something, body language or the way she said it, made him ask if she had any other firearms in the car.

She replied with a smile that she also had a 9mm Glock in her center console.  Surprised by her reply, he then asked if that was all.  She replied that she did have just one more; a .38 special in her purse.

The patrolman then asked her what she was so afraid of.

She looked him right in the eye and replied, "Not a damn thing!"


We’ll keep our freedom, our money and our guns.   The “progressives” can keep “the change”.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

NumbersUSA Updates Immigration Stance Ratings

has updated their ratings of the presidential hopefuls as a result of the debate last week.
to see the details.

What the moderators failed to do was ask Perry about his position on the DREAM Act. In 2001, Perry signed a bill that allowed illegal aliens to receive in-state tuition, which violates a federal law passed in 1996. He also wasn't asked about his state having the second largest illegal-alien population in the country.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Missed His Speech? Watch It Here Now

Just in case you missed his speech, watch it here now.

Did you count the number of times he said "pass it now"?

My question is, pass what now?  I suppose "we have to pass the bill to see what's in it!" as Nancy Pelosi famously said about the Obamacare bill.  As of yet, no one has seen IT in writing which makes it a little tough to reached an informed opinion. Hmmmm . . .  I think I smell another "bum's rush" coming on from our most trustworthy president, his tax cheats, crooks and croneys in Washington.

Think that definition doesn't fit?  Read Michelle Malkin's latest book, "Culture Of Corruption".

By the way, in case you didn't count, the answer is 17.

Lay in a good supply of popcorn folks, this battle is shaping up to be a good one, brass knuckles, lead pipes and all.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Who Won, Who Lost?

As always, that answer depends on who you talk to — the campaigns will always say that they did well (unless your spokesman is former campaign manager Ed Rollins). The emerging consensus seems to be that Romney won, Perry emerged from the debate with some scraps and bruising but he’s still the frontrunner (and it’s worth pointing out that his performance in the first half of the debate was noticeably stronger than in the second half), and that Michele Bachmann couldn’t change a political narrative that seems to have written her off.

Next up; the Prez tries (yet again) to convince us that the fix to our broken economy is to throw still more $$ at the problem.  Been there – done that!  In any event, it should be good for an afternoon laugh.

Here’s the lineup for future GOP presidential hopeful debates.  Don’t miss ‘em.

September 12th, 2011
Air time TBD on CNN
Location: Tampa, FL
Sponsor: CNN and the Tea Party Express
Participants: TBD
September 22nd, 2011
Air time TBD on Fox News
Location: Orlando, FL
Sponsor: Fox News and Florida Republican Party
Participants: TBD
October 11th, 2011
Air time TBD on Bloomberg Television
Location: Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH
Sponsor: Bloomberg, The Washington Post and WBIN-TV
Participants: TBD
October 18th, 2011
Air time TBD on CNN
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Sponsor: CNN and the Western Republican Leadership Conference
Participants: TBD
December 10th, 2011
Air time TBD on ABC
Location: Des Moines, IA
Sponsor: ABC News and Republican Party of Iowa
Participants: TBD
January 12th, 2012
Air time TBD on PBS
Location: Iowa Public Television in Johnston, IA
Sponsor: Des Moines Register and Iowa Public Television
Participants: TBD
January 30th, 2012
Air time TBD on Fox News
Location: Des Moines, IA
Sponsor: Fox News and Republican Party of Iowa
Participants: TBD
February, 2012
Air time TBD on ABC – Likely between February 7th and 13th
Location: NH
Sponsor: ABC News and WMUR
Participants: TBD
February, 2012
Air time TBD on Fox News – Likely between the 19th and 27th
Location: SC
Sponsor: Fox News and South Carolina Republican Party
Participants: TBD
March 5th, 2012
Air time TBD on NBC
Location: Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA
Sponsor: Reagan Library, NBC News and Politico
Participants: TBD