Monday, December 26, 2011

Stealth Socialism – The Obama Way

Stealth socialism???  Can’t clearly define it?  Try this.
Think it’s not his agenda?  Read The Socialism Puzzle. [Scroll down the link to Table of Contents – Chapter 1]

Better yet, read the whole book, Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism! [before you vote in 2012]

A highly detailed and definitive account of the president's conversion as a radical activist, the book provides minute and abundant evidence confirming the long-disputed label of Obama as "socialist".

For those who cherish the freedoms intended by our forefathers and embodied in our Constitution but who can’t be bothered to get informed and  involved, “Wake up and smell the coffee!”, this book just may give you pause to consider a different future.  Let’s hope so!  The future that Obama has in mind after relieving you of your “fair share” isn’t nearly as ample or as “fair”.  That is, unless you feel that big government will provide you with everything you want and need.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Beat Goes On . . . And So Does The Cover-up !!!

Back in October in Doggone Blog I asked whether Holder committed perjury.  I also included links to the IBD editorials Holder Lied, Agents Died and Indict Eric Holder.  Since then, the media has been notably quiet on the topic as attention has shifted to the 2012 election race, the GOP candidates and the location of the latest hot holiday sale.  The DOJ and Holder have no doubt been hoping that all of their unwanted attention would subside into oblivion.

Now we learn, thanks again to the IBD, that Holder's Justice Department has sealed court records detailing the circumstances of a border patrol agent's murder by a Mexican drug cartel, including the fact [that] U.S. agents were being hunted with U.S.-supplied weapons and the indictment of Manuel Osorio-Arellanes and four other drug smugglers in Terry's murder.

Aside from the question of why the indictments have been sealed, there is the question of why the case of Osorio-Arellanes hasn't gone to trial almost a year after Terry's murder.  Is it because defense discovery motions at trial might reveal documents and details the administration is trying to hide? [Read complete editorial]

This whole sordid story is just one more example of why America needs to shift its collective attention from such trivia as “Dancing With the Stars”, keeping up with the Kardashians, the most recent scandal in the sports world and the NBA strike and refocus on reclaiming this country from the liberal left before it’s too late to do so.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Open Letter To GOP Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich

Dear Former House Speaker Gingrich:

Your proposal sounds like it would give U.S. jobs and residency to around 3.5 million illegal aliens (according to a new Pew Hispanic Center study).   Assuming that estimate is reasonably accurate, you are promising an amnesty in fact that exceeds the giant blanket amnesty of 1986 that was supposed to be the first and last one ever.

You appear to agree with Presidents Bush and Obama that the only major options for illegal aliens are deporting them or legalizing them (choices that nearly all mainstream media also insist on). Your official immigration platform gives no hint of recognizing that there is a third option -- Attrition through Enforcement – that eliminates the jobs and benefits magnets for illegal aliens so that they will self-deport back to their home countries. Thus, you are at odds with most of the other GOP candidates and most GOP Members of Congress who favor the Attrition option.

Having read and studied both your “10 Steps to a Legal Nation” and your “7-Point Plan”, I am more frightened than ever for the future of this nation.  I agree with you and with the Pew Center that you are not suggesting a blanket amnesty like Bush and Obama but rather advocating legalization of those who have “deep ties” of “family, church and community.”

Unlike Bush and Obama, you would not allow them to become voters.  But, like Bush and Obama, you would allow them to keep their jobs instead of opening them up for the millions of unemployed Americans who are waiting in line for those jobs.  Thus, your plan has nothing to do with protecting American workers or communities from too much immigration and the costs associated with the illegal alien burden.

It is my considered opinion that such a plan can lead only to protracted court battles and ultimately to a decision in favor of full amnesty in the Supreme Court.  The concept of “deep ties” is nebulous, subjective, and ill-defined at best.

I have closely watched and listened to all of the GOP presidential candidate debates and had reached the tentative conclusion that you were the best hope for unseating President Obama in the coming election year.  Having now heard and read your position on the illegal alien situation, I am no longer able to hold that conclusion and believe firmly that you will find the majority of Americans share my views in the days ahead.

I urge you to reconsider and restate your position on illegal aliens and to publicly embrace the option of attrition through enforcement.  Failing that, I will have no alternative but to support another GOP candidate.

Deeply disappointed,