Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Obscure Court Decision Gives Government Sweeping Power

Obscure Court Decision Gives Government Sweeping Power

By THOMAS SOWELL Posted 03/26/2012 06:42 PM ET

When a 1942 Supreme Court decision that most people never heard of makes the front page of the New York Times in 2012, you know something unusual is going on.
What makes that 1942 case — Wickard v. Filburn — important today is that it stretched the federal government's power so far that the Obama administration is using it as an argument to claim before today's Supreme Court it has the legal authority to impose ObamaCare mandates on individuals.

As our Supreme Court considers what may be a "landmark" decision in the future of our nation, I thought it might be an interesting exercise for all of us to take the constitutional quiz located here.  There are only eight questions so it won't take you long.

You'll find the answers to the quiz there as well.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

ObamaCare: Costs, Constitutionality And Contraception

ObamaCare dominated the 2010 midterms, driving its Democratic authors to a historic electoral shellacking. But since then, the issue has slipped quietly underground.

Now it's back, summoned to the national stage by the confluence of three disparate events: the release of new Congressional Budget Office cost estimates, the approach of Supreme Court hearings on the law's constitutionality and the issuance of a compulsory contraception mandate.

Watch this closely folks.  Starting tomorrow, the Supreme Court begins hearings that will ultimately determine the outcome of our freedoms.  If they vote in favor of the administration’s position and the law as written, kiss your freedoms, limitations on “big government” and our Constitution goodbye!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Another Liberal Lie (#4) - " ... reduce our deficit by $4 trillion"

The lie:

“ … if Congress adopts this budget, then along with the cuts that we’ve already made, we’ll be able to reduce our deficit by $4 trillion by the year 2022 — $4 trillion.”
Obama - 11:12 A.M. EST, Mon. Feb. 13, 2012. At Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale, VA

The facts:
“Federal debt held by the public would increase from $10.1 trillion (68 percent of GDP) at the end of 2011 to $15.2 trillion (77 percent of GDP) at the end of 2017 and then to $18.8 trillion (76 percent of GDP) at the end of 2022.”
Congressional Budget Office - March Report - "An Analysis of the President's 2013 Budget"

IBD Article: CBO Exposes Obama's $2 Tril Budget Sleight of Hand
 Federal Spending: If you want to know why Washington can't get spending under control, this week provided a prime example, when the Congressional Budget Office said President Obama's "budget-cutting" plan would actually boost spending $1 trillion.
Read more …

Who are you going to vote for in the coming elections?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I Fear The Final Toll Of The Bell

This morning I attended the opening ceremony of the traveling Vietnam War Memorial known as The Wall. There are now 58,272 names on the wall. It brought tears to my eyes as they read the names and rang the bell for those in my immediate neighborhood who gave their lives for our country, our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and our freedom. I've never seen the real memorial. I hope to someday. I did serve my country back in that era, back before President Reagan brought about the end of the Cold War. Nine years. I thank God that I wasn't one of the many who made the Ultimate Sacrifice.

We were a different nation then.  A united nation, though there were many even then who were opposed to the war and opposed to our nation's heritage.  In the years since then the "many" have multiplied many times over and JFK's words of "Ask not what your country can do for you ... ask what you can do for your country." have been all but forgotten.  We've become a nation in rapid decline ... on the verge of suicide.  Gone are the days of mutual respect for one another, for each other's beliefs, political views and religion.  In place of tolerance is intolerance, no matter the subject.  In place of work ethic is the ethic of "I deserve it" and "they owe me".  In place of compensation in proportion to contribution is the mindset of entitlement out of "fairness".

All that was great about our nation is being torn down.  No longer united, we are a nation divided.  No longer a wealthy nation, we are a nation in debt.  No longer a world power, we are a nation that cannot and will not defend her own borders.  We are a nation abdicating our soverignty to the views of organizations and nations which despise us and work to destroy us.  Where once we worked to create a better life for our children and grandchildren and believed we could do it, now we have committed them to the repayment of our debts, held by other nations.

Yes, the wall I viewed today brought tears to my eyes  ... because I see in the future yet another name to be added to the list of those having made the "ultimate sacrifice" and I fear the toll of the final bell.  The name is United States of America.

I urge you to read the books appearing to the right.  I've read them all and I assure you they are worthy of your time.  I've just started another which convinces me, more than ever, that the future I fear is real and near.  I encourage you to read it as well and take action before the bell tolls.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

More On Media Matters

IBD Article On David Brock & Media Matters

Connecting the dots is always revealing as the following diagram shows:

The SuperPAC created and run by David Brock receives money from, among other places, the AFSCME, the SEIU and the American Bridge 21st Century Foundation which receives money from numerous undisclosed benefactors and which was set up and is run by, you guessed it, David Brock, who also set up and runs Media Matters which has unrestricted access to the White House.  Note that the AFSCME is headed by Gerald McEntee who is closely associated with Paul Booth who is regarded by many as the ‘brains’ of the organization and is married to Heather Booth who founded the covert socialist school Midwest Academy where Obama worked and taught during his Chicago organizing days.

Hmmm, that's interesting.  Do you suppose Brock has picked up a tip or two from Omaba and his liberal friends about how to use foundations to channel money and exert power.  Think Woods Fund of Chicago and Gamaliel Foundation.

See anything wrong with this web of relationships?
Who are ya going to vote for this Fall?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

From NWRO to ACORN to Media Matters

Reports of ACORN’s death have been greatly exaggerated. More than a dozen of the infamous group’s chapters have broken off and separately incorporated themselves in order to evade authorities.
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) was part political group, part crime syndicate, part terrorist organization. Much of the time it operated outside the legitimate political process, waging war against the framework of society. ACORN was in the business of subverting the American system, so what Americans on the undercover “pimp and pro” videos released in 2009 was just another day at the office for ACORN.

For ACORN, it was “anything goes”, from rude protests to crude intimidation and violence. The bigger, the louder, the more obnoxious, the more destructive, the better.

ACORN was born with Wade Rathke in place as its chief organizer, a position he held for almost 40 years until its supposed demise in 2009. In the late 1960s, Rathke was an organizer for the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). He summed up ACORN’s approach to doing business in a single sentence: “One can almost taste the adrenaline when people take a crowbar to a door and pop it open to begin squatting.” ACORN leadership didn’t care if people got hurt or property was damaged: as long as the action advanced the cause it was fair game.

Sound familiar? It should. Think OCCUPY.

We now know that ACORN, rather than dissolving, simply novated into numerous “new” organizations, many with the same people in leadership positions. But, what about the NWRO?

Active from 1966 to 1975, NWRO grew out of the efforts of “Rules for Radicals” author Saul Alinsky and other veteran radical agitators such as Richard Andrew Cloward and Francis Fox Piven, who created and published the seminal article, “The Weight of the Poor”. The so-called Cloward-Piven Strategy called for activists to double America’s welfare rolls in order to destabilize the American system of government. Placing impossible demands on states and localities would force them to ask Congress for a guaranteed annual income scheme and thereby set in motion the transformation of America into a socialist state. Intimately involved in the affairs of NWRO, both Cloward and Piven acknowledged they “participated in discussions of strategy, fund-raising efforts, and in demonstrations.”

Let’s see … guaranteed income, child care programs, food stamps, low cost housing, government provided health care, hmmm … oh yes, government provided contraceptives (even if you can afford Georgetown Law School which assures you of a $160,000 first year starting salary upon graduation).

Seems we’ve come a long way since the early days of NWRO and ACORN.

Recently, the liberal blog and White House attack dog, Media Matters, has been intimidating private businesses into dropping their ads on Rush Limbaugh's popular radio show. A VERY Alinsky like tactic. It boasts of scaring off 45 of his advertisers since launching its drive last week, when Limbaugh apologized for using sexist terms to criticize the Georgetown College coed called by Democrats to testify in support of ObamaCare's coverage of birth control.

The group Media Matters acts like a lobbyist but is not registered as one. It operates in the shadows, outside congressional oversight and unaccountable to voters. This makes its collusion with the White House in the heat of a presidential race a serious matter worthy of investigation.

Read more ...

See any common threads?

Approve of censorship and the willful destruction of another person and their livelihood because their views run contrary to liberal views and objectives? Ready to scrap our nation’s Declaration of Independence and our Constitution?

If so, vote for Obama in 2012.

Read ...The Real Story of ACORN

Read ... The Cloward-Piven Strategy