Thursday, November 7, 2013

Who's Sorry Now?

Obama apologized today that some Americans lost health care insurance but not for misleading [LYING]. 

While you think about what he said today, you may want to listen to this song to him.

Hmmm.  Was Connie prescient?  Many Americans were.  Unfortunately not enough.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Razzle-Dazzle 'em

The Obama theme song

Razzle-Dazzle 'em

Think of Obama,  the biggest bamboozler of 'em all and his merry band of sycophants 
[see below]
as you watch this clip.

The merry band of sycophants

Bob Beckel
Tamara Holder
James Carville
Jehmu Greene
Kirsten Powers
Juan Williams

Chief Bamboozeler and Key Staff

Bamboozler In Charge
Jon Favreau - Chief Bamboozle Writer

Add caption

Jay Carney - Press Corps Bamboozler

Gophers and Ex-Gophers

Kathleen Sebilius

Eric Holder

Lois Lerner

Hillary Clinton

Janet Napolitano
Are you surprised at the outcome?