The People Say Check For Photo IDs On Election Day
Published on Tuesday, 19 June 2012 20:00
Written by IBD Editorial
Elections: Democratic politicians consider photo ID requirements discriminatory, but the people disagree. There's broad support for preventing illegal voting, a reflection of how precious Americans hold the right to vote.
Through our history Americans have defended and died for the right to vote. Daniel Webster called voting "a social duty of as solemn a nature as man can be called to perform."
So it should be no surprise to find that across virtually every grouping, the IBD/TIPP Poll found majority support for making sure that only those eligible to vote should do so. Of 912 adults surveyed nationwide during the first week of June, 67% believed voters should be "required to show a state-issued photo ID at the polls before being allowed to cast a ballot."
Only 28% thought they should not be required, while 4% were unsure.
Among Democrats the breakdown was 49% to 45% in favor of the ID requirement, with 6% not sure. Republicans were heavily in favor of voter ID, by 90% to 8%, with 2% uncertain.
Independents also came in strongly in support, 69% of whom favored checking IDs, with 27% opposed and 4% unsure.
Those describing themselves as conservatives were 85% to 12% in favor, with 2% not sure. Moderates leaned toward the ID check by 63% to 32%, with 4% uncertain. Self-described liberals, on the other hand, were against a photo ID rule 57% to 35%, with 8% not sure.
Like liberals, blacks were opposed to voter ID, by a margin of 58% to 39%, with 3% uncertain. Americans of color, of course, were for decades the victims of abuses in voter eligibility procedures.
But liberals and blacks were the only two categories found to oppose the requirements. Most significantly of all the results, Hispanics were found to be 75% to 23% in favor of voter ID, with 2% unsure.
Single women were in favor by 58% to 35%, with 7% unable to make up their minds; married women were 69% to 26% for the requirements, with 4% not sure.
Strong support for voter ID spanned every income group, with 67% of those earning under $30,000 in favor and 66% of those making $75,000 or more also in favor. Education levels also made little difference: 69% of those with only a high school education favored the requirements, with 71% of those with some college also in favor, and 65% of those with graduate degrees in support too.
City dwellers were 59% for voter ID, while those in suburban and rural regions were about 70% in favor. Northeasterners were 61% in favor, while Westerners were 74% in support.
Midwesterners and Southerners came in at 63% and 69% in support, respectively.
The message is loud and clear:
Far from being racist or anti-immigrant, significant majorities of Americans across most demographic lines consider modern voter ID requirements to be a protection of this country's one-man-one-vote rule of the people, an assurance that the ineligible do not exercise a right to which they are not entitled.
- Q: In your opinion should voters be required or not required to show a state-issued photo ID at the polls before being allowed to cast a ballot?
- The Poll was conducted from June 1 (Friday) to June 8 (Friday), Sample Size: 912 adults 18+ nationwide, Margin of error - plus/minus 3.3 percentage points.
The NAACP Manufactures A Phony Crisis To Perpetuate Its Existence
Wed, Mar 21
IBD Posted 03/20/2012 06:18 PM ET
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the NAACP, has gone to the United Nations — specifically the U.N. Human Rights Council — for, in the words of USA Today, "help battling what the organization views as forces attempting to push back voting rights."
Those "forces" are laws being passed by various states that require a photo ID for voting. The NAACP move is so absurd and so self-destructive that one has to wonder why the organization has done this.
Voter ID: Holder Looks Through Race-Colored Glasses
Thu, Dec 29 2011 00:00:00
IBD Posted 12/28/2011 07:03 PM ET
Suffrage: Fresh from using his race as a defense in the Fast and Furious scandal, the attorney general blocks South Carolina's voter photo ID law as discriminatory. Tell that to the Department of Motor Vehicles.
The Palmetto State can't seem to catch a break from this administration. First, the right-to-work state gets harassed by the National Labor Relations Board over Boeing's expansion into a new plant.
Now the Justice Department has blocked a voter ID law passed in May and signed by Gov. Nikki Haley.
The following poll on America’s views on “voter ID” appeared in the 31 August 2012 edition of
Investor’s Business Daily.
Texas Voter ID Law Blocked
Fri, Aug 31 2012 00:00:00 EA0
IBD Posted 08/30/2012 06:36 PM ET
A D.C. federal appeals court said the state law requiring photo ID to vote would discourage poor voters who lack such identification. The Obama administration blocked the law in March, citing the '65 Voting Rights Act. Other courts have upheld various voter ID laws.
Obama, Holder & the liberal left have captured the DOJ and are using the Civil Rights
Section and the Voting Section of the Department Of Justice to impose their
racial views and preferences on American citizens.
If you've never wondered why the DOJ and the left is so persistent in stopping any attempt by the states to enact photo voter ID requirements, stop and think about the thousands of mail-in and absentee ballots they can and do alter and submit. Think about the reason they don't want the voter registration rolls purged of long dead citizens and folks with felony convictions. Think about "Chicago politics". Read about the voting abuses that have occured in past elections that the DOJ has refused to prosecute.
Read "Injustice: ..."