Monday, December 16, 2013

Send Out The Clowns

Seen this guy anywhere ?

Click above to see him, his friends, associates and supporters.

America is run “ . . . by the people for the people . . . “--let us not forget.  Morphs by Brisson Design, music by Carolina Taylor produced by Steve Nagel of UVPAQLITE in memory of David A. Noble (1984-2012) he never liked clowns.

While IT was fiction, ObamaCare is not, yet the fear, terror and misery being visited upon millions of our citizens is more real and palpable as that which flowed from the pages of IT.  They had to pass it to find out what was in it, or so they said.  And so it is as we now learn more with every passing day.

Join with the millions of Americans who oppose ObamaCare.  Vote in 2014 to replace those in both parties who do not actively oppose it with those who will.  Our failure to vote the clowns out will extend ObamaCare far beyond twenty-eight years. 

Will you join us?

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