Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Whitewashing Obama

“Journalism: As the president launches his re-election bid by striking a more centrist tone, the partisan press is helping him whitewash his radical past. Teamwork or not, it'll be hard to bleach.

Exhibit A is CNN's Soledad O'Brien. Earlier this week, she hosted a segment that tried to de-link Obama from Chicago socialist Saul Alinsky. The late Alinsky is the father of community organizing and the author of the far-left bible "Rules for Radicals."

O'Brien opened her piece by scolding GOP front-runner Newt Gingrich for warning Obama "will represent Saul Alinsky (and) European socialism" in a second term. "President Obama has never said that he was influenced by Alinsky," O'Brien insisted.”

That’s not the half of it!  To get the unvarnished truth, read RADICAL-IN-CHIEF  Barack Obama And The Untold Story Of American Socialism.  Saul Alinsky, John McKnight, Mike Kruglik and  Jerry Kellman are just a few of his socialist-minded friends and associates.  Here are just  a few more Obama “influencers”..
Wade Rathke Founder of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 100
Heather Tobis Booth Founder and President of the socialist Midwestern Academy and "initiator" of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (forerunner of Democratic Socialists of America)
Jeremiah Wright Obama's pastor.  "...not God Bless America. God damn America."
James Hal Cone Black theologian.  "Theologically," Cone affirms, "Malcolm X was not far wrong when he called the white man 'the devil.'"
William Charles "Bill" Ayers ACORN CO-FOUNDER and Obama neighbor. SDS member.  Weather Underground member.
Bernardine Rae Dohrn Lifelong socialist and Obama friend. SDS member
Daniel "Danny" Solis He is the brother of Patti Solis Doyle, Senator Hillary Clinton's former campaign manager and Co-founder & Executive Director of UNO
Patti Solis Doyle Senator Hillary Clinton's former campaign manager
Madeline Talbott Madeline Talbott is the head organizer for Illinois ACORN, has been a field organizer, lead organizer and head organizer in many ACORN cities across the country. In 2000, she celebrated her 25th year as an organizer with ACORN and early organizers of the Chicago New Party
Keith Kelleher Keith Kelleher is the head organizer for the SEIU Local 880 and contributes to Progress Illinois.  He is the husband of Madeline Talbott.
Paul Booth One of America’s key leftist activists. In the 1960s he was National Secretary of Students for a Democratic Society
Alice Palmer Ex-Illinois socialist leaning senator.  Recommended Obama as her successor in Illinois senate
Bertha Lewis Chief Executive Officer and Chief Organizer of ACORN
Quintin Young Obama confidant and high official in Chicago chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

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