Monday, July 2, 2012

Obama’s Wars – The Dirty Dozen

After more than three years in office, it should be obvious to everyone that President Obama has a “progressive” agenda but my guess is that most folks tend to focus on the one or two issues that affect them most directly and dismiss the rest as just more political rhetoric on the part of his conservative opponents.   Besides, he’s such a likeable guy … and smart too.  Surely any president that has spoken some form of “I” or “me” more than 16,000 times during his first eighteen months in office is more focused on the state and needs of the nation than on himself!  Right?
Give me a break!  He’s focused alright, like a fox on the chicken coop … and we’re all candidates on his lunch menu.

Obama has been busy waging war on multiple fronts since the day he was sworn in.  David Limbaugh identifies no less than twelve in his newest book, The Great Destroyer – Barack Obama’s War on the Republic.

·         The War on America

·         The War on the Right

·         The War on the Disobedient

·         The War on Our Culture and Values

·         The War on the Economy

·         The War on Our Future

·         The War on Oil

·         The War on Other Energy Sources

·         The War on Business

·         The War on America’s National Security

·         The War on Guns: Operation Fast & Furious

·         The War on the Dignity of His Office

Each of the above is a chapter, replete with documented and annotated examples of Obama’s misdeeds, power grabs, congressional outflanking maneuvers and outright violations of the laws of our states and country.

If you value your rights and freedom, I urge you to read The Great Destroyer – Barack Obama’s War on the Republic.  You owe it to yourself, your family and friends, your neighbors and county.

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