Friday, June 29, 2012

SCOTUS Delivers Decision On ObamaCare

The Affordable Care Act, including its individual mandate that virtually all Americans buy health insurance, is constitutional. There were not five votes to uphold it on the ground that Congress could use its power to regulate commerce between the states to require everyone to buy health insurance. However, five Justices agreed that the penalty that someone must pay if he refuses to buy insurance is a kind of tax that Congress can impose using its taxing power. That is all that matters. Because the mandate survives, the Court did not need to decide what other parts of the statute were constitutional, except for a provision that required states to comply with new eligibility requirements for Medicaid or risk losing their funding. On that question, the Court held that the provision is constitutional as long as states would only lose new funds if they didn’t comply with the new requirements, rather than all of their funding.

So … in a nutshell, Obamacare has been upheld as Constitutional. The real issue for Americans is whether or not we are considered free. According to this ruling, we are not. This is just demonstrating more and more that America is becoming more and more enslaved when the federal government can demand that you purchase a product. This is a very sad day in America.

Don’t bother to question how or why this has happened.  You know the answer!  In a word – APATHY!  Apathy on the part of every American who feels that his/her vote doesn’t matter at each and every election.  Apathy on the part of every citizen who is too busy to become and remain informed on all the issues that affect our rights and freedoms as set forth by our constitution, our Declaration of Independence and the amendments to it.  Apathy on the part of every citizen who fails to make known and defend his/her opinions on the conduct of our government to friends, neighbors, relatives and elected representatives at the local, state and national level.

So … what now?  Accept the ruling as final with no further action or personal involvement?  WRONG!  Just as the outcome of a war is not determined by a single battle and this nation has not become what it now is overnight, neither is the loss of our freedoms final so long as there are those willing to be involved and committed to reversing setbacks such as this.

Step 1            If your elected representatives voted “Yea” for the U.S. Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare or supported the confirmation of Supreme Court justices John G. Roberts, Jr. (appointed by Bush), Sonia Sotomayor (appointed by Obama), Stephen Breyer (appointed by Clinton), Ruth Bader Ginsburg (appointed by Clinton), and Elena Kagan (appointed by Obama) , vote against them at every opportunity.

Step 2            Contact your elected representatives and tell them what you think about both the U.S. Affordable Care Act and the SCOTUS decision today.

Step 3            Vote in the coming general election this fall against the re-election of Obama.

Do you know what precedent was established by SCOTUS yesterday and how it affects you in the future?

Dates To Remember

  12/7/1941         9/11/2001      6/28/2012


“[W]hat the court has done is give Congress the power to do whatever it wants, to impose any mandate and abridge any freedom as long as it says the legislation falls under its power to tax. Let the implications of that sink in.”
“With a majority of the Supreme Court refusing to protect American freedom from a predatory Congress, it is now up to the voters to restore lost liberty. They have to fire the president and turn Congress over to lawmakers who respect limited government …”

The above quotes are extracts from It's Now Up To Voters To Throw Out The ObamaCare Mess Posted 06/28/2012 07:02 PM ET & published in the IBD on Fri, Jun 29 2012.

Click here to read more.

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